Market Research for a global consulting company

How a global consulting company partnered with The Testament® to conduct a market research drive across India 


Reaching objectives fast is imperative for rapid growth. Thus when a global consulting firm approached us to complete a task in just two days, we stepped up for the moment.
The client wanted us to do a quick market research for an FMCG company wanting to spread its roots in South India. To achieve this they wanted to gauge the brand perception, brand positioning and product availability among the consumers and retailers.
The drive was to be conducted in the Tier 2 cities of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, fitting the bill of our nationwide reach.


The questionnaire was quickly designed after discussions between the client and The Testament® and served two purposes:

  • Understanding the stock levels and the supply chain
  • Understanding the brand perception

The Testament® then immediately activated 7 trained facilitators across Chennai, Vijaywada, Guntur and Ananthpur for a period of 2 days.
The facilitators captured rich data apart from the questionnaire in the form of pictures, GPS coordinates by using The Testaments proprietary Market Acquire app.
Once the survey was administered and data captured, the facilitators also raised brand awareness of the company by introducing the client's products.


  • Quick delivery time
  • Consumer and retailer Insights
  • Contact Information of Local Distributors
  • Hands off drive for the company with impeccable operational efficiency
  • Extraordinary cost saving and transparent process

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Posted by Syed Zaeem Anwar

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