Market Research has earned its share of importance in the history of corporate success. Despite a few Edsels, strategic planning with adequate Market Research is expected to yield results and is thought of as the way to go. Read More
The company that was started in a rented garage 35 years ago in India, with a seed capital of Rs 10,000, whose net worth today is $2 billion (2017).
The answer is BIOCON. Founded by Ms Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, a lady with great determination, whose name is synonymous with biotechnology in India. She started Biocon at the age of 25. Read More
What happens when an unstoppable force meets and immovable object?
Legends crash down. And sometimes, they rise back again.
Jack Nicholson was born in 1937 in New Jersey. He lived a childhood which was more dramatic than any of the movies that he starred in. Jack was born to a 16-year-old showgirl known as June. Read More
In the land of Hollywood, where prettiest people from all parts of the world try their luck in the world of glamour, there was a guy with a big nose: short ( 5 ft, 5in), skinny, not beautiful in the conventional sense at all, wanting to be an actor. Read More