The Testament® acquires 500 business leads in Chennai for a construction goods distributor in 10 days by employing its Vendor Acquisition Capabilities
Based on 2016 data, India is the third largest producer of Iron and Steel in the world. This growth has been fuelled by the availability of raw materials and cheap labour on the supply side, while the demand side has been catered to by the country’s large scale execution of infrastructure projects. The client in context is a large distributor of TMT bars in south India, aiming to consolidate its position as a leading distributor in Chennai. For this project, in partnership with The Testament®, the client decided to organise a market survey as well as an on-ground acquisition drive of hardware retailers across the city of Chennai.
The Testament® deployed 6 Facilitator’s for 10 days to collect data from hardware retailers throughout Chennai. The facilitators were tasked with:
Collect name and contact details of retailer
Current brand of TMT bars stocked
Current level of stock
Current supplier of TMT bars
After collecting the above information, the facilitators put up a pitch for the client distributor, and its brand of TMT bars. Provided brand collaterals were also put up at the store front, with the permission of the retailers.
The pitch process was augmented by The Testament’s proprietary technology- MARKET ACQUIRE®, which allowed the client to listen in to every pitch as well gather precise geographic coordinates of all the retailers surveyed.
- 500 Retailers surveyed
- Successful Data Capture of entire retail scenario in Chennai
- Full List of Retailers to serve as potential leads