Why digital marketing fails the gaming industry, and what’s the alternative
An aloof gaming community is being carpet bombed with marketing tactics with no emphasis on buying experience. Is this a big problem?
Yes, it is the most pressing challenge
The lucrative gaming market is rapidly growing due to which many software and hardware companies are entering into the market space.These companies are offering products which are almost similar in design and function. With so many ‘me-toos’, how can these companies differentiate and stay competitive?
They definitely can’t, if every company goes through the digital pipeline to market their products. In this flood of ‘mee-too’ ads, the consumer sees some and remembers none. The ‘try once and move on’ results this creates, leads to low retention of consumers and hence unstable growth rate . An innovative approach is needed which establishes a company's brand in the real world to be able to capitalize in the virtual world. How do we do it?
Experience the game, or game the experience
The market needs a physical approach driven by live events, creating experience zones for old and new fans alike. With live events attracting core gamer's and casual enthusiasts, a gaming company can visibly test their products and gauge prospective customers’ response. Let’s take VR as an example. At a live event with thousands of consumers, an ‘experience zone’ can make a great first impression for a company, leading to expedited buying decision from the consumer. Something which cannot be done on the e-commerce sites, where the price alone offsets the buyer before he gets to experience the product.
A good idea for gaming companies is to showcase more of their products at semi-specific events, developing a great funnel of potential leads. This shall create an effective brand awareness.Currently, the entire gaming industry has been focusing on ultra specific events, which further strengthen the existing community. Is this the best strategy?
Horizontal vs. Vertical - Who wins?
If the strategy is to strengthen and expand your treasured community, the visitors of the event need to be a blend of veteran gamer's along with casual enthusiasts. This would enable companies to directly engage with their influencer's and create a word of mouth marketing snowball, all at the same time. Currently, the gaming industry only puts their money on very niche events because mass events dilute their proposition too much. Instead of an "either niche, or mass" approach, we need a "mass, yet niche" approach. Does such an event exist?
India International Mega Trade Fair
Auto Expo 2016 organized at IEML - venue for India International Mega Trade Fair
Not every country has Mega Trade Fair as a show brand, India is lucky. This show has a guaranteed visitor base of 10 lakh (1 million) people at a stretch of ten days. And it also has a specific pavilion dedicated to gaming. Estimating the demographic spectrum of India, 35-40% of those 1 Million people are expected to be under the age of 35. This precisely means, 35-40k prospective gaming consumers every day. It’s a ten day event happening from 4-15th August in India Expo Mart (where Auto Expo also took place). Can there be a better opportunity? No.
Here’s how you can ask your queries: Reach out at syed.z.anwar@thetestament.com or drop a call at +91 9990600458. As the event is nearing finalization's, we'd request you to please be quick.
The Testament is a tech based Manpower Outsourcing company which specializes in Market Acquisition. We have a rich experience in visitor acquisition for major trade shows in India and were the force behind great success of India Gaming Show by CII. This year we welcome visitors and companies to Mega Trade Fair.
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